Who We Are

DawnMy name is Dawn.  One unsuspecting summer day, we lost my late husband Mike Anderson in a tragic farming accident.  And the world was suddenly a much dimmer place.


I started this Foundation as a way to help others, in honor of Mike.  As vehicles for this good work, we have chosen credible charities that we feel best represent Mike’s brightest values and ideals.


I also wrote a book, called The Darkness and the Stars, about my journey through, and lessons learned, from grief.  Losing Mike was the hardest thing I’ve ever done.  But I know I’m not alone.  It’s my sincere hope that by sharing my story, I can help others navigate their own loss and grief, even if it’s just in the knowing they aren’t alone (because it can certainly feel that way at times).  I had many beautiful people help me through my journey. It would be an honor to pay that gift forward, if I can.  So that’s my book.  And 100% of ALL PROFITS go towards the charities represented by this foundation!  You can learn more about them all on this site.


Perhaps you are here because you knew and loved Mike. Perhaps you simply heard his story. Perhaps you know someone who has experienced a loss and is currently grieving. Or perhaps you are experiencing loss and grief yourself.  Regardless, I hope you are moved to join us in making a difference in the world.  You can do that here!  By supporting us here, or by simply finding a worthy cause or person in your own circle of influence, and reaching out in your own way.


Feel free to drop us a note!  We’d love to hear from you.

Contact Us


Regardless of why you are here, we are happy you took the time to join us, and sincerely hope you can take something away.  And together, maybe we can bring a bit of shine back to this world.


Thank you.


“We’re all just walking each other home.”

~Ram Dass